Telephone Dialing Code

Canada Phone Area Codes

Need to make a phone call to someone Canada and wants to know what is the city phone code for cities in Canada or just want to know how to call some one in Canada?

Use the links on this web page to learn more about telephone area codes in Canada.

Phone Area Codes in Canada

Phone Area Codes in Canada

    To telephone someone in Canada, you will have to know the area phone code of the city. Please use the Canada Phone Area Code Table:
Alberta (Banff, Bentley, Lomond, Milo, Stavely) Area Code403
Alberta (Blue Ridge, Cadomin, Chauvin, Myrnam, Viking) Area Code780
British Columbia (Aldergrove, New Westminister, North Vancouver, Richmond, Vancouver) Area Code778
British Columbia (Alkali Lake, Grassy Plains, Mackenzie, Shalalth, Woss Lake) Area Code250
British Columbia (Pemberton, Port Mellon, Powell River, Sechelt, Surrey) Area Code604
Manitoba (Crandall, Holland, Lac Du Bonnet, Norway House, Victoria) Area Code204
New Brunswick (Deer Island, Lameque, Petit Rocher, Port Elgin, Saint Anne) Area Code506
Newfoundland (Fermeuse, Gaultois, Hearts Content, Raleigh, Ramea) Area Code709
Northwest Territories (Hay River, Nanisivik, Old Crow, Trout Lake, Wekweti) Area Code867
Nova Scotia (Bridgetown, Lake Charlotte, Maitland, Meteghan, Weymouth) Area Code902
Nunavut (Hay River, Nanisivik, Old Crow, Trout Lake, Wekweti) Area Code867
Ontario (Algonquin Park, Fort Albany, Havelock, Kinmount, Peterborough) Area Code705
Ontario (Atikokan, Devlin, Jellicoe, Pikangikum, Redditt) Area Code807
Ontario (Aurora, Newmarket, Niagara Falls, Richmond Hill, Streetsville) Area Code289
Ontario (Avonmore, Constnceb, Douglas, Sydenham, Wooler) Area Code613
Ontario (Castlemore, Selkirk, South Pickering, Sutton, Wellandport) Area Code905
Ontario (Courtright, Dutton, Embro, Kerwood, Melbourne) Area Code519
Prince Edward Island (Bridgetown, Lake Charlotte, Maitland, Meteghan, Weymouth) Area Code902
Quebec (Buckingham, East Hereford, Lac Des Ecorces, Lac Edouard, Umiujaq) Area Code819
Quebec (Eastman, Lacolle, Rawdon, Saint Marthe, Saint Victoire) Area Code450
Quebec (Forestville, Hebertville Station, Nouvelle, Riviere Du Loup, Saint Alexandre) Area Code418
Quebec (Ile Perrot, Lachine, Montreal, Pointe Claire, Roxboro) Area Code514
Saskatchewan (Blaine Lake, Regina Beach, Rose Valley, Yellow Creek, Yellow Grass) Area Code306
Yukon (Hay River, Nanisivik, Old Crow, Trout Lake, Wekweti) Area Code867

How to call Canada from Australia?

To call a telephone number in Canada from Australia, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for Australia: 0011
2. Dial country code for Canada: 1
3. Dial area code of the city in Canada
4. Dial the phone number

How to call Canada from South Africa?

To call a telephone number in Canada from South Africa, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for South Africa: 00
2. Dial country code for Canada: 1
3. Dial area city code of the city in Canada
4. Dial the phone number

How to call Canada from Canada?

To call a telephone number in Canada from Canada, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for Canada: 011
2. Dial country code for Canada: 1
3. Dial area city code of the city in Canada
4. Dial the phone number

How to call Canada from United Kingdom?

To call a telephone number in Canada from the UK, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for UK: 00
2. Dial country code for Canada: 1
3. Dial area phone code of the city in Canada
4. Dial the phone number