Telephone Dialing Code

Guyana Phone Area Codes

Want to call a friend Guyana and needs to know what is the phone area code for cities in Guyana or just want to know how to call some one in Guyana?

Use the links on this web page to learn more about city area codes in Guyana.

Phone Area Codes in Guyana

Phone Area Codes in Guyana

    To make a phone call to someone in Guyana, you will need to know the area phone code of the city. Please use the Guyana Phone Area Code Table:
Adelphi Area Code326
Adventure Area Code331
Agricola Area Code233
Aishalton Area Code773
Amelia’s Ward Area Code442
Anna Catherina Area Code276
Anna Regina Area Code771
Bartica Area Code455
Belladrum Area Code232
Belmont Area Code228
Benab Area Code338
Blairmont Area Code327
Canal No. 1 Area Code271
Cane Grove Area Code257
Clonbrook Area Code259
Cottage Area Code328
Cove & John Area Code229
Crabwood Creek Area Code335
Diamond Area Code265
Edinburg Area Code336
Enmore Area Code270
Fort Wellington Area Code329
Friendship Area Code774
Georgetown (Sophia) Area Code219
Goed Fortuin Area Code253
Golden Grove Area Code255
Good Hope Area Code279
Hampshire Area Code322
Hope West Area Code256
Ituni Area Code441
Joppa Area Code325
Kwakwani Area Code440
Land of Canaan Area Code266
Leonora Area Code268
Lethem Area Code772
Linden Area Code444
Long Creek Area Code261
Mabaruma Area Code777
Mahaicony Area Code221
Mahdia Area Code456
Matthews Ridge Area Code775
Met-en-Meer-zorg Area Code275
Mortice Area Code258
New Road Area Code254
No. 40 Area Code337
No. 52 Area Code339
Parika Area Code260
Rosignol Area Code330
Sheet Anchor Area Code332
Uitvlugt Area Code277
Vigilance Area Code274
Vreed-en-Hoop Area Code264
Wales Area Code267
Windsor Forest Area Code269
Zeeburg Area Code262

How to call Guyana from Australia?

To call a telephone number in Guyana from Australia, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for Australia: 0011
2. Dial country code for Guyana: 592
3. Dial area code of the city in Guyana
4. Dial the phone number

How to call Guyana from South Africa?

To call a telephone number in Guyana from South Africa, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for South Africa: 00
2. Dial country code for Guyana: 592
3. Dial area city code of the city in Guyana
4. Dial the phone number

How to call Guyana from Canada?

To call a telephone number in Guyana from Canada, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for Canada: 011
2. Dial country code for Guyana: 592
3. Dial area city code of the city in Guyana
4. Dial the phone number

How to call Guyana from United Kingdom?

To call a telephone number in Guyana from the UK, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for UK: 00
2. Dial country code for Guyana: 592
3. Dial area phone code of the city in Guyana
4. Dial the phone number