Rayagada- Koraput Area Code
Thinking of making a phone call to Rayagada- Koraput and not sure what is the phone area code for Rayagada- Koraput or just want to know how to make a phone call to Rayagada- Koraput in India?
Use the links on this page to learn more about how to call a phone number in Rayagada- Koraput, India.
How to Call a Phone Number in Rayagada- Koraput, India
- Country Dialing Code for India: 91
- International Call Prefix to call from Afghanistan: 00
- Local Phone Area Code for Rayagada- Koraput in India: 06856
To call a phone number in Rayagada- Koraput, India, simply:
- 1. Dial the international access code for your country
- 2. Dial country code for Afghanistan: 91
- 3. Dial area code for Rayagada- Koraput: 6856
- 4. Dial the phone number in Rayagada- Koraput, India, excluding the 0 at the beginning of the number
International Access Code + 91 + 6856 + Land Phone Number
To make a call to a Mobile Phone Number in Rayagada- Koraput, India from Overseas, the dialling format should be:
International Access Code + 91 + Mobile Phone Number
How to call Rayagada- Koraput from Australia?
To call a telephone number in Rayagada- Koraput from Australia, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for Australia: 0011
2. Dial country code for India: 91
3. Dial area code for Rayagada- Koraput: 6856
4. Dial the phone number in Rayagada- Koraput
How to call Rayagada- Koraput from South Africa?
To call a telephone number in Rayagada- Koraput from South Africa, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for South Africa: 00
2. Dial country code for India: 91
3. Dial area code for Rayagada- Koraput: 6856
4. Dial the phone number in Rayagada- Koraput
How to call Rayagada- Koraput from Canada?
To call a telephone number in Rayagada- Koraput from Canada, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for Canada: 0011
2. Dial country code for India: 91
3. Dial area code for Rayagada- Koraput: 6856
4. Dial the phone number in Rayagada- Koraput
How to call Rayagada- Koraput from United Kingdom?
To call a telephone number in Rayagada- Koraput from the UK, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for UK: 00
2. Dial country code for India: 91
3. Dial area code for Rayagada- Koraput: 6856
4. Dial the phone number in Rayagada- Koraput