Telephone Dialing Code

Calling a Mobile Number in Netherlands

Want to make an international call to Netherlands and not sure what is the international access code in Netherlands to make a call or just want to know how to text internationally to Netherlands?

Use the links on this page to learn more aabout international access code for Netherlands and more

Calling a Mobile Number in Netherlands

How Do I Call an International Number from Netherlands?

  • International Call Prefix to call from Netherlands: 00

  • To call an international phone number from Netherlands, simply:

      To make an international call to Landline Phone Number from Netherlands, the dialling format should be:
      00 - Country Code - Area Code - Land Phone Number without the 0 at the front

      To make a Call or Send Text Internationally from Netherlands, the dialling format should be:
      00 - Country Code - Mobile Phone Number excluding the 0 at the beginning

How to call a number in Netherlands from Singapore?

To call a telephone number in Netherlands from Singapore, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for Singapore: 65
2. Dial country code for Netherlands: 31
3. Dial the phone number in Netherlands, excluding the 0 at the beginning of the number

How to call a number in Netherlands from Sri Lanka?

To call a telephone number in Netherlands from Sri Lanka, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for Sri Lanka: 94
2. Dial country code for Netherlands: 31
3. Dial the phone number in Netherlands, excluding the 0 at the beginning of the number