Telephone Dialing Code

Syria Phone Area Codes

Need to telephone your family Syria and needs to know what is the local area code for cities in Syria or just want to know how to call some one in Syria?

Use the links on this web page to learn more about telephone area codes in Syria.

Phone Area Codes in Syria

Phone Area Codes in Syria

    To telephone someone in Syria, you will need to know the area phone code of the city. Please use the Syria Phone Area Code Table:
Aleppo Area Code(0)21
Alhasakah Area Code(0)52
Al-Kameshli Area Code(0)53
Al-Nebek Area Code(0)12
Al-Quneitra Area Code(0)14
Al-Rakkah Area Code(0)22
Al-Swedaa Area Code(0)16
Al-Zabadani Area Code(0)13
Damascus Area Code(0)11
Dara Area Code(0)15
Deir Ezzour Area Code(0)51
Edleb Area Code(0)23
Hama Area Code(0)33
Homs Area Code(0)31
Lattakiah Area Code(0)41
Menbej Area Code(0)25
Palmyra Area Code(0)34
Tartous Area Code(0)43

How to call Syria from Australia?

To call a telephone number in Syria from Australia, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for Australia: 0011
2. Dial country code for Syria: 963
3. Dial area code of the city in Syria
4. Dial the phone number

How to call Syria from South Africa?

To call a telephone number in Syria from South Africa, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for South Africa: 00
2. Dial country code for Syria: 963
3. Dial area city code of the city in Syria
4. Dial the phone number

How to call Syria from Canada?

To call a telephone number in Syria from Canada, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for Canada: 011
2. Dial country code for Syria: 963
3. Dial area city code of the city in Syria
4. Dial the phone number

How to call Syria from United Kingdom?

To call a telephone number in Syria from the UK, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for UK: 00
2. Dial country code for Syria: 963
3. Dial area phone code of the city in Syria
4. Dial the phone number