Telephone Dialing Code

Taiwan Phone Area Codes

Thinking to call your family Taiwan and wants to know what is the phone area code for cities in Taiwan or just want to know how to call some one in Taiwan?

Use the links on this page to learn more about telephone area codes in Taiwan.

Phone Area Codes in Taiwan

Phone Area Codes in Taiwan

    To telephone someone in Taiwan, you will have to know the area phone code of the city. Please use the Taiwan Phone Area Code Table:
Chalou Area Code46
Changhua Area Code47
Chaochou Area Code8
Chiai Area Code5
Chiali Area Code67
Chiaochi Area Code39
Chishan Area Code7
Chunan (Tchou-Nan) Area Code36
Chunghsing Area Code49
Chungli Area Code34
Chupei Area Code35
Fengyuan Area Code45
Hsinying Area Code66
Hualien Area Code38
Huwei Area Code56
Kinmen Area Code823
Lishan Area Code458
Makung Area Code6
Miaoli Area Code37
Penghu Area Code69
Shetou Area Code48
Tachi Area Code3
Taichung Area Code4
Tainan Area Code62
Taipei Area Code2
Taitung Area Code89
Taoyuan Area Code33
Touliu Area Code55
Tungkang Area Code88
Tung-Sha Island Area Code827
Wu-chiu Area Code826

How to call Taiwan from Australia?

To call a telephone number in Taiwan from Australia, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for Australia: 0011
2. Dial country code for Taiwan: 886
3. Dial area code of the city in Taiwan
4. Dial the phone number

How to call Taiwan from South Africa?

To call a telephone number in Taiwan from South Africa, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for South Africa: 00
2. Dial country code for Taiwan: 886
3. Dial area city code of the city in Taiwan
4. Dial the phone number

How to call Taiwan from Canada?

To call a telephone number in Taiwan from Canada, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for Canada: 011
2. Dial country code for Taiwan: 886
3. Dial area city code of the city in Taiwan
4. Dial the phone number

How to call Taiwan from United Kingdom?

To call a telephone number in Taiwan from the UK, simply:
1. Dial International Access Code for UK: 00
2. Dial country code for Taiwan: 886
3. Dial area phone code of the city in Taiwan
4. Dial the phone number